Coal homogenisation system for a surface mine

The system consists of 22 online coal quality analysers, six automatic samplers, and two thermal imaging systems for coal stockyard fire protection and CQMS software. Online coal quality analysers are installed on bucket wheel excavators, providing the customer with real-time information on the quality of the coal being excavated. This allows the operator to regulate the speed of the excavators as required for a given coal quality. Each excavator is capable of mining coal to any belt conveyor, so the coal is pre-mixed directly on the belt conveyors. The coal then passes through two homogenization coal stockyards, where it is stored and blended by using the windrow method with online analysis. During the expedition, a combination of online analyser and automatic sampler is always integrated on all conveyor belts for final inspection. In this way, the customer is able to balance all the coal reserves mined at a particular mine, blend them to the exact quality range required by the power station and sell all the coal reserves at the highest possible price.