/about the product

Fire protection of stockyards, industrial and security use

Termovizní systémy | ENELEX

ENELEX thermal imaging systems are used in a number of applications including fire protection of coal stockyards and belt conveyors, product analysis and surveillance applications. The systems enable motion detection, temperature level detection, temperature trend monitoring in large or outdoor areas as well as advanced analysis based on application needs.


Increase the safety of your operation with thermal imaging.


High-end technology designed to meet the customer's requirements.


We offer professional software for thermal imaging systems.

Installation and service

We provide complete installation and service of thermal imaging systems.

Usage Options - Usage Options - Usage Options - Usage Options - Utilization Options-

/Possibilities of use

Early fire detection at coal stockyards

The storage of coal in landfills poses complications, particularly due to chemical reactions in the coal that can cause spontaneous combustion. A system for the early detection of spontaneous combustion and a fire in the area of the stockpile can prevent damage to the technology and the coal itself. It also prevents the release of hazardous fumes into the air and helps protect local residents' health.

/Possibilities of use

Thermal imaging protection of conveyor belts

The system can use thermal imaging cameras to detect the presence of high-temperature material on a running belt conveyor and then trigger an alarm. The solution is suitable for protecting conveyor bridges where traditional fire protection systems fail due to the high speed of hot material movement.

/Possibilities of use

Thermal imaging security system for the detection of persons

The system is installed as part of CCTV systems and is designed for perimeter surveillance in challenging conditions. It enables the detection of people using FLIR thermal imaging cameras even in total darkness, without daylight, in fog, rain, or through vegetation. The thermal imaging cameras capture and display the radiated heat and detect people, animals, and machines.

/Possibilities of use

Fire protection of outdoor areas

With the correct placement of thermal imaging cameras, large areas can be monitored without the need for extensive infrastructure. The system provides reliable temperature monitoring over an area of up to several hectares (storage of combustible materials, conveyor belts, transponders, transformers and other important objects or equipment).

/Possibilities of use

Monitoring of critical technologies

Thermal imaging cameras can monitor critical parts of production lines or other technologies where overheating can cause destruction or ignition. Fixed cameras are usually used for continuous monitoring and short response times.

/Possibilities of use

Application of thermal imaging in metallurgy

Thermal imaging cameras have many applications in metallurgy. They can measure high temperatures without contact and display the distribution (shape) of the temperature field on the object. To protect against high temperatures and dust, the camera is housed in a special HE168 COOL case. Thanks to the different emissivity of the material (the ability to radiate depending on the temperature of the object), it is possible to detect temperature differences on the measured objects.

Detection of spontaneous combustion at coal stockyards

Spontaneous combustion early detection system

Storing coal is accompanied by complications, especially due to chemical reactions in coal, causing spontaneous combustion. An early-warning system for detection of spontaneous combustion and fire in stockyards prevent equipment and coal losses, release of dangerous gases and helps to protect human health. The TCamBase surface temperature detection system is able to monitor the surface of the coal pile 24 hours a day.
The system can detect critical areas and determines their location using a reverse temperature development evaluation function. In many cases, the system detects spontaneous combustion before any visible symptoms such as smoke or ash appear.

Rotating camera and control unit

At the stockyard, standalone measurement units equipped with thermal cameras on pan/tilt heads and a controller are installed. Depending on the storage yard site, 4 to 6 measurement units are usually used for nonstop monitoring of the site and temperature evaluation. They transfer information on their operation, suspicious areas and alarm events to the TCamBase server located near the dispatch room.

Image information from suspicious areas is stored electronically for several weeks, while information on alarm event positions and system operation can be stored even for several years.

Safe mode functionality

Individual measurement units operate independently of recording technology, individually evaluating temperatures in the monitored area. The system is designed to preserve maximum functionality in case of
failure of some of its sections, even in emergency mode.

The system works in fully automatic mode, and can be connected to several operator stations.

Alarm Notifications

The system locates and evaluates temperature extremes on the surface of the pile, and in case of danger sets off an alarm. The operator has information on the current situation on site, including image information from Thermal imaging cameras and visual cameras installed at the measurement location. There are two alarm stages – a danger warning and an immediate emergency alarm.

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Thermal imaging protection of conveyor belts

Allows detection and triggering of alarms

Using thermal imaging cameras, the system detects the presence of high-temperature material on the conveyor belt and then triggers an alarm. The solution is suitable for protecting transport bridges where traditional fire protection systems fail due to the high speed of movement of hot material.

The conveyor belt protection system is installed either separately as a detection sensor or as part of the TCamBase system to protect the coal stockpile. The TCamBase system provides complete archiving of information, events and readings.

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Interconnection options

Triggering of an alarm event can be linked to the automatic control of technology to prevent the transport of hot material, for example, to coal bins or crushers or to start an automatic fire extinguishing system. The system can also be set up to detect the temperature of the technology (particularly overheating of conveyor rollers), thus limiting the possibility of ignition due to a fault.

Thermal imaging security system for the detection of persons

Person-tracking and software solution

The system is installed as part of security camera systems and is designed for perimeter surveillance in challenging conditions. It allows people to be tracked using FLIR thermal imaging cameras even in total darkness, without daylight, in fog, rain, or through vegetation. The thermal imaging cameras capture and display the radiated heat and detect people, animals, and machines.

The system is based on the Milestone XProtect™ software solution, which allows a large number of network or analogue cameras to be integrated into one or more servers. The network server provides a wide range of activities necessary for protecting the guarded area. The system's structure is open and supports network cameras from various manufacturers.

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Tailor-made installation

All requirements for the use of cameras are solved individually for a specific installation location according to the customer's wishes. For example, critical locations can be monitored at specific times, and alarm events (PIR sensors, motion detection) can be linked to PTZ offers from rotating cameras. These functions are provided automatically depending on the system settings

Fire protection of outdoor areas

Reliable temperature monitoring

A fire in an industrial facility is not only dangerous for the immediate area, but it is above all a source of pollution. Protection of outdoor areas in industrial facilities is very difficult task for conventional fire-detection systems. By appropriate installation of Thermal imaging cameras, it is possible to monitor large areas with no need of installation of extensive infrastructure while ensuring reliable monitoring of temperatures even over several hectares (flammable materials storage, conveyor belts, transfer areas, transformers and other important facilities or equipment). In case of the set temperature limit is exceeded, an alarm is triggered immediately. The alarm location is illustrated on the operator’s monitor using the TCamBase software.

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Monitoring critical technologies

Monitoring critical parts

The thermal imaging cameras can be used to monitor critical parts of the production lines or other technology which is prone to destruction or ignition caused by overheating or faulty operation. To monitor the critical technology there are usually installed the fixed mount cameras to guarantee full time monitoring and quick reaction time. Single camera can monitor several detection zones within the field of view, each with different detection parameters. Each detection zone can have set different alarm temperatures and also different trend detection algorithm setup. The critical technology can be protected both to detect fire and monitor the unit working temperature to indicate any deviations from normal operation. Complex set of digital filters allows to ignore any false alarms.

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Thermal imaging in metallurgy

Variety of applications

Thermal imaging cameras have various possible applications in the steel industry. The cameras can measure high  temperatures and display an object’s thermal field distribution. The cameras can be installed in special HE168 COOL air-cooled camera housings to provide proper operating conditions. An advantage is that not only can temperature differences be used, but also the emissivity of materials (the ability to emit heat based on object temperature).
A system for monitoring and evaluation of casting ladle surface temperatures detects lining wall defects and enables their servicing intervals to be adjusted. Thermal imaging cameras are placed suitably to determine the surface temperature of all critical areas of the ladles. The system detects suspicious areas, and based on parameter settings, informs operators of eventual danger.

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Slag detection

The process of slag detection in a stream of steel uses the difference in emissivity between steel and slag to detect slag presence automatically. The system monitors the virtual detected temperature and its dramatic changes during presence of slag. Measured data and image information is stored for later analysis. The operator screen displays a thermal view of the area, virtual temperature value and slag detection alarm information. The slag detection alarm can be interconnected with ladle positioning control to automatically stop the pouring of steel if slag is detected. Another possible application for Thermal imaging cameras is monitoring and controlling of the cooldown process of cast or forged pieces to improve production quality.

/about the product

Thermal imaging systems for fire protection and industrial applications

ENELEX thermal imaging systems are used in a number of applications including fire protection of coal stockyards and belt conveyors, product analysis and surveillance applications. The systems enable motion detection, temperature level detection, temperature trend monitoring in large or outdoor areas as well as advanced analysis based on application needs.

ENELEX has long–term experience with installing the thermal imaging systems in demanding conditions such as coal storage yards, waste sites and other facilities, mostly in the power industry. Most of our applications consist of thermal imaging fire prevention systems for monitoring surface temperatures of stored materials and of outdoor fire prevention systems in outdoor areas with high risk of fire.

We use our extensive experience with thermal imaging applications in designing new systems, and prior to starting design, we verify feasibility using the portable systems and studies, for example “Coal Self-ignition Process Study”. Based on the customer’s needs, we propose a solution, draw up a price bid and project documentation, deliver and install the technology, train users and provide the servicing and maintenance.

Advantages of thermal imaging systems

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Works in extreme climatic conditions, vibrations
or mechanical load

Highly dust resistant

Air-cooled housing (HE168 COOL) for high temperatures

Highly resistant to electrical and electromagnetic noise

Simultaneous viewing in infrared and visible spectrum

Positioning controlled by local processing unit

Fully automatic operation

High temperature sensitivity (better than 0.1°C)

Determination of high temperature area location

False alarm filtering system

Possible applications

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Monitoring of material storage sites

Monitoring the risk of fire, preventing spontaneous combustion, and preventing of the supplying of hot material.

Suitable for places where it is not possible to install EPS sensors and for outdoor areas.

Fire protection

Detection of high temperatures even at a distance of several hundred metres, different alarm levels according to the thermal level.

Suitable for places without the possibility of mounting EPS sensors and for outdoor areas.

Combustion monitoring

Detection of the temperature in the combustion chamber and the temperature of the internal equipment of the boiler, diagnostics of the surface of the thermal equipment.

Suitable for flame monitoring and surface temperature measurement of thermal equipment.

Security applications

Monitoring and detecting the movement of people over long distances in complete darkness - airports, production halls, military sites, nuclear power stations.

Suitable for outdoor areas and very large production areas.

Foundry and metallurgy

Measurement of molten metal temperature, casting of steel from converter to casting pan, slag detection, temperature measurement of casting molds.

Suitable for production technology control and material temperature measurement.

Power and electrical engineering

Detection of overheating of live parts due to transient resistance, measurement of working temperature of equipment.

Suitable for detecting the temperature of electrical equipment VN, VVN and the operating temperature of motors, transformers and substations.

Material detection

Detection of differences in thermal radiation of otherwise indistinguishable materials — textile industry, paper industry and other industrial segments.

Suitable for production technology management, material defect detection and chemical production.

Basic description

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The surface temperature measurement (detection) system uses FLIR ThermoVision® A-series thermal imaging cameras to measure the surface temperature value of monitored objects or production technology. A special camera housing allows a standard CCTV camera to be connected to each thermal camera for simultaneous monitoring of the object in the visible spectrum.

Thermal cameras can be installed as static or rotary cameras, mounted on positioning heads and various positioning devices. Special HE 168 Series infrared transmissive covers allow thermal cameras to be used for outdoor and other special applications.

System integration

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Due to its full digitalisation, the detection system is ready for immediate integration into various higher-level systems. The system is most commonly integrated into analogue and digital CCTV systems. The positioning head control unit allows each individual thermal imager to be integrated into the system of PLC supervisors to control production technologies or data collection. At the same time, the controller allows you to store operational and fault data in a separate database for diagnostic and service purposes.

System application

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The system uses one of the most important features of high-end thermal cameras. Very accurate detection of temperature measurements with a resolution of better than 0.1°C. This feature allows thermal cameras to be used for relatively simple security applications such as night-time surveillance, as well as for controlling technological processes using a precise temperature sensor with a very fast response to changes in the temperature of the object being monitored. The system makes it possible to record in detail the progress of the entire process. The undoubted advantage of thermal imaging systems is that they can display and evaluate several thousand measuring points simultaneously, thus replacing many measuring devices.

The ability to operate at high temperatures allows air-cooled camera housings and visual protection. This makes our thermal imaging systems suitable for use in extremely dusty, hot environments, as well as environments with wide temperature variations.

Information transfer and storage

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To transmit, record, and analyse image information and telemetry data, the system uses digital technologies to transmit information about the monitored area to the appropriate operator at the highest possible quality. This system takes advantage of TCP/IP networking capabilities and is, therefore, fully interoperable with Internet or Intranet networks.

The digital surface temperature detection system is fully automatic and requires no operator intervention to operate. In the event of an alarm, video information is recorded for later analysis of the event, including a record of the location and time of the alarm. At the same time, the operator is alerted to the hazard. The operator receives visual information about the location - a view of the event location from both the thermal imaging camera and the CCTV camera.

/Contact us

Learn more about thermal imaging systems

Get professional thermal imaging systems. Contact us or call us now. We will prepare a tailor-made solution proposal. Thermovision is perfect for protecting materials from fire and detecting the movement of people, animals, and machines. Thermal imaging can also be used for temperature monitoring in manufacturing and industrial applications.

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Vzorkovače | ENELEX
Termovizní systémy | ENELEX
Analyzátor | ENELEX
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