Handover of the CQMS system with the participation of the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic

ENELEX successfully handed over Coal Quality Management System (CQMS) for ESM REK Bitola mine in presence of Josef Síkela the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, Kreshnik Bekteshi the Minister of Economy of North Macedonia and Management of REK Bitola.
CQMS solution consist of:
- 12x online coal quality analyzers for realtime measuring of coal qualit and quantity parameters directly at conveyor belt
- 2x automatic belt samplers with automatic processing line for preparing the samples for laboratory evaluation
- CQMS software
This system provides complete overview of coal quality excavated and transported in Bitola mine and help customer to achieve more effective:
- planning of mining process
- planning of coal storing
- homogenization of coal to achieve stable coal quality range
ENELEX offer turnkey solution for coal mining industry, for more information, do not hesitate to contact us.