CQMS — Production line for mixing heating mixtures

The CQMS production line was designed and tailored to meet the needs of the customer - Darkov, OKD a.s. Deep Mine and Coal Processing Plant - to produce washed coal and other coal products with high ash content (coal sludge and intermediate products).
Coal sludge is further used for the efficient mixing of optimal fuel mixtures.
Significantly increases the production of the mine and processing plant, even taking into account all qualitative parameters (ash content, calorific value) of the coal, calorific value) of the coal sold.
The whole system is based on our special software, automated management system and online coal quality analysis system.
The system works fully automatically based on the specified parameters of the coal.
The mixing system can be utilised wherever the optimum fuel blend is required (surface and deep mines, coal treatment facilities, power plants, coal terminals, etc.).
- Increased profit (for mines, processing plants and power stations),
- The mine can sell the full range of products (the life of the mine can be extended),
- Improvement of the process of treatment of coal and final product in processing plants,
- The process of coal combustion in the power plant becomes more efficient (fuel savings occur),
- Minimisation of boiler downtime in power plants (lower operating costs),
- Reducing air pollution from the operation of coal-fired power plants.